Do you eat less and still gain weight? Calorie secrets…

There are some of my patients who asked me: Doctor, how come, I do not eat much, but my weight increasing (or I am not losing weight?)

I gave simple explanations:

It is not just how much you eat. What types of food is also important. Do you ever consider how many calories do one piece of ‘cucur’ or handfull of potatoe chips contain?

How about snacking? Mealtime, spacing between meals, intermittent fasting all matters.

You may be really eating so little, and this may keep you from gaining wait. But you will not lose your weight unless you really loose good amount of calories consistently eg if you take 100kcal less a day, you may end up losing one kg a month (that’s a very rough estimate).

Lack of physical activities is a big thing. Maintaining a minimum of 6000 steps a day makes you healthier and have better chance of surviving compared to those who do less – data from researches (better still 8000-10000 gives much higher chance of losing weight).

I am not expert in diets. This is just a small sharing. Next we talk about what people do consistently that make them lose tens of kgs!

You may want to browse this quick read posting that highlight what kind of everyday food that my be so hazardous to our health. How to avoid? Read on (yes, all of us will find it challenging, at least we should make the effort to improve our diet…)

Top 10 worst foods link

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