Connection experience: How to use your android device as a modem

After successfully using my Blackberry as a modem (see previous post), now I was tasked to connect my wife’s LG optimus phone as a PC modem via the bluetooth (or wifi).
I have successfully done this using the device’s Wireless & network settings, choose the Portable hotspot option. Just enable this option – like the way you setup a wifi connection.
I had enabled the bluetooth on cos I thought initially that the modem usage requires bluetooth. But this is not necessary I think, since now I am using WLAN/wifi.
Once in the Portable hotspot option, I enable it, next change the setting ie create SSID name, insert password etc.
Once the wifi connection takes place, I use the PC to connect to a ‘wifi’ network, which the SSID has been set earlier.
Hmmm, so much of an android, some new thing to learn for me.
I am not sure though, what happen when the LG screen goes on standby, whether the modem/wifi connection is still active or not. After a short while, the LG phone went on standby, this usually requires me to activate the code/password when turning it on again. However, so far, even when the device goes standby, the wifi connection is still active. This saves the battery to some extent, though my wife complaints that the LG optimus battery is quite pathetic, rarely the smartphone last till the end of the day – in contrast to my Blackberry, with push email/BBM & data connection constantly active, it still lasts over 24 hours easily on average. When I don’t use it much, like when traveling oversea, with data connection turned off, the phone would last 2 days without charging.
Anyway, cant complain too much now that we have already acquired the phone now we just have to find ways to recharge the battery, or reduce usage to extreme – such as avoiding the use of the phone as a modem – some way this defeat the purpose of owning it!

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