Stressed out? No, I can handle it…

Suddenly I woke up this morning knowing that ahead of me awaiting a series of commitments that I have to fulfill this week, which could easily throw me into that stressful mode. But I am not willing to give up.
The first commitment was already over when we had to chauffeur my mother & sister in law to the airport, at 3am in the morning for their 6am flight. This was done successfully, though it resulted in me dosing out on arriving back home, there I was late to work again.
Then we had to send two of our cars for service, this require more of financial rather than time commitment though I did have to do it personally with the Starex, which took a bit of my time therefore costing my staff their time, awaiting me to go and come back from the garage before I could complete the last case in the cath lab.
Now I am left with two major commitments: A panelist in the Interfaith Forum on Death this Wednesday, and a speaker in a Forum on Hypertension (Case discussion) this Saturday. Since the contents of both program are intellectual and academic, these will require a lot of mental and material preparation. And I am afraid I don’t have the luxury of time.
This Wednesday afternoon is our Cardiology Unit’s Raya celebration, at least I have to be there for an hour or two, apart from the usual clinical duties. Then the Department’s meeting is on this Thursday, coinciding with my cath lab session, which I usually have no trouble choosing which one to prioritise. Oh yes, on the same morning I have to drive up to Serdang for a meeting on new curriculum for the Cardiology trainees under KKM, this is a special invitation from Dato’ Dr. Omar & Dr. Kahar and I have promised to join.

I still yet have another, major meeting, that is the Drug and Therapeutic Com (JKTU) on Friday, and for this I need to prepare by screening a number of the new drug applications, namely four – which require some time.
And yet, I almost forgot, I have to be present myself at the Ethics Committee meeting to present the proposal of our new research SIGNIFY (on a new drug Ivabradine in IHD) – though I plan to delegate this to one of the specialists, I haven’t done so, and I have yet to receive the slides of the presentation from the sponsor.
Is that it…oh no. The following is just a short list of other commitments, awaiting to be settled, this week that is:
Read two research proposals of our Master students, and sign the application form
Review an article from the UIA journal for approval
Organise a meeting with the National Heart Centre Cardiologists on Stem Cell Therapy collaboration work
Submit the application form for a new research on Erectile Dysfunction by our PhD student, Yousef
Hmmm surely a few more things that I have momentarily forgotten…God help me, I better stop writing and start working…
Oh yea, I can’t go home yet, before seeing those three patients (VIP/private) for review, and now its close to 8pm…

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